Faculty of Engineering
Department of Thermal Systems & Road vehicles


SUMMARY - Fascicle IV, YEAR XXVIII, 2016:

Front Cover

1. Florin POPESCU, Ion V. ION
Modern boilers for small scale biomass heating

2. Salvadore Mugurel BURCIU
The traction of a classic vehicle compared to the traction of a hybrid car

3. Gelu COMAN, Michael FRĂTIȚA
Heat Recovery from Sterilization Processes in Clinics and Hospitals

4. Gabriel Marcel BOGHIAN, Michael FRĂTIȚA, Krisztina UZUNEANU
Optimisation of a friction clutch from a hybrid-air vehicle using MathCAD and FEM analysis with Ansys

5. Mariana LUPCHIAN
Calculation of propulsion power on board a ship

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