�Dunărea de Jos� University of Galaţi
Engineering Faculty
Thermal Systems and Environmental Engineering Department
Research Center �METIME�
Systems and Environmental Engineering
(Maşini și Echipamente Termice şi Ingineria Mediului)
12-13 May 2016
Useful links:
- Thermodynamics
- Heat and mass transfer
- Air-Conditioning
- Heat pumps
- Refrigeration and cryogenics
- Automotive and Internal combustion engines
- Alternative fuels
- Steam boilers
- Steam and gas turbines
- Renewable energy
- Air, water and noise pollution
- Waste Management and Processing
- Fluid mechanics.
- Prof. Iulian Gabriel B�RSAN � Rector, �Dunarea de Jos� University of Galati,
- Assoc. Prof. Ştefan BALTĂ, Vice-Rector, �Dunarea de Jos� University of Galati, Romania
- Prof. Mugur Ciprian BĂLAN, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Prof. Renaat De CRAEMER, Katholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- Prof. Alexandru DOBROVICESCU, University �Politehnica� of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Michel FEIDT, Universit� de Lorraine, Nancy, France
- Prof. Eugen GOLGOTIU, �Gheorghe Asachi� Technical University of Iaşi, Romania
- Prof. Iliya ILIEV, "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Bulgaria
- Prof. Gheorghe LĂZĂROIU, University �Politehnica� of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Jorge MARTINS, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
- Prof. Lucian MIHĂESCU, University �Politehnica� of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Gheorghe POPESCU, University �Politehnica� of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Aristotel POPESCU, University �Gheorghe Asachi� of Iaşi, Romania
- Prof. Tudor PRISECARU, University �Politehnica� of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Edward RAKOSI, �Gheorghe Asachi� Technical University of Iaşi, Romania
- Prof. Violeta RASHEVA, University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Prof. Akos REDEY, Pannon University, Veszprem, Hungary
- Prof. Nikolay ZLATOV, London South Bank University, United Kingdom
- Prof. Sahin YILDIRIM, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
- Assoc. Prof. Gabriel NEGREANU, University �Politehnica� of Bucharest, Romania
- Assoc. Prof. Cristian IOSIFESCU, �Dunarea de Jos� University of Galaţi, Romania
- Assoc. Prof. Krisztina UZUNEANU, �Dunarea de Jos� University of Galaţi, Romania
- Assoc. Prof. Mugurel BURCIU, �Dunarea de Jos� University of Galaţi, Romania
- Prof. Ion V. ION
- Prof. Marian BORDEI
- Prof. Florin POPESCU
- Prof. Cătălin FETECĂU
- Assoc. Prof. Cristian IOSIFESCU
- Assoc. Prof. Krisztina UZUNEANU
- Prof. Viorel POPA
- Assoc. Prof. Dan ANDREI
- Assoc. Prof. Mugurel BURCIU
- Assoc. Prof. Nicuşor VATACHI
- Lect. Ionel OPREA
- Lect. Gelu COMAN
- Lect. Simona PARASCHIV
- Lect. Spiru PARASCHIV
January, 29: Deadline for abstract submission
February 5: Notification of
abstract acceptance
March, 15: Deadline for full papers submission.
March, 20: Notification of paper acceptance.
March, 28: Deadline for fee payment
The papers will be written in English, and the abstracts will be written both
in English and Romanian.
Please upload your abstract/paper (using registration form) as docx/doc file named as follows (latin character set only !):
Example: 2016-METIME-Abstract-Ionescu-M-01.docx
Full paper:
Example: 2016-METIME-Full_paper-Ionescu-M-01.docx
- Attending fee (250 RON) will be paid as follows:
Beneficiary: Asociaţia Absolvenţilor Facultăţii de Mecanică din Galaţi,
CIF 30134802 (specified for Conference METIME 2016)
Account no: IBAN RO33BRDE180SV73660241800, BRD Galați (RON only !)
- Fee includes:
- Admission to all scientific sessions
- Conference bag and name badge
- Conference proceedings (published in Termotehnica Journal)
- Coffee/tea breaks
- Admission to the Reception/conference dinner
- 2 hours boat trip on Danube River
- Fee for accompanying persons is 150 RON and includes: access to the event, conference dinner, coffee/tea breaks, 2-hours boat excursion on the Danube river
Tensor (Flowmaster V7)